
Friday 21 March 2014

Things I'm Loving This Month

Just thought I'd share some
products I've been loving this month!

My obsession with 'Garniers Moisture Match' moisturiser
is starting to worry me! I originally just used the blue one
but I grabbed this as I wanted something a bit lighter
just for a quick pick me up in the morning.
And this delivers!

It's a very light serum like moisturiser that quickly
absorbs into the skin making it feel refreshed 
and soft. 

This isn't heavy duty moisturiser so I don't use
it to really soften my skin but it does help brighten it
and just make you feel a bit more human in the mornings!

Next is 'Nivea Daily Essentials Refreshing cleansing Mousse.'
I don't usually cleanse. Yep I admitted it! 
Even with countless brand new bottles of cleansers 
staring at me every time I open my cupboard,
I'm still too lazy to bother!
But with this for some reason I thought it'd be easier-
and it is! 
I don't know why but it's just easier to quickly rub some mousse
around your mush then wash it off in 2 seconds
rather than mess around with sloppy gel/liquid.

You only need 1 squirt to do your whole face.
And it actually does refresh my skin and make
it feel smoother.
The only problem I can see with this is 
it can run out quite fast.

Now this stuff is AMAZING!
I got it from 'Poundland' believe it or not
and it has answered my removing nail
varnish prayers!
All you do is simply dip your nail into the sponge
and twist and take out. Job done!

It really is that simply and takes literally 2 seconds!
Its small, compact, smells like peaches,
acetone free and is only £1!
Can't go wrong.

This 'Bourjois So Laque Glossy' looks soo scrummy!
It's a lovely mint green colour that is perfect
for Spring!
The brush makes it easy to apply an even coat
and it hasn't chipped as easily
as other varnishes.

This is shade 04 Amande defile.

And last is a simple
Brown Gel eyeliner.
This was only a cheap one from 'Asdas'
but it works fine.
I feel Brown is a nice alternative to Black
for your eyes as Black can look
a bit too much for day wear.

Monday 10 March 2014

Baby Buzz Haul

Hello Beansprouts!

Now I don't know if anyone would even be
interested in this but I thought why not give it a go anyway?!

So I thought I would ATTEMPT to do a baby clothes Haul
every week. I'd like to say I'd do it every Monday,
however I feel a little too pressurised to make that
kind of commitment haha 
So we'll say every week for now!

For this Haul everything (apart from one thing) is from Next.
So without further Adieu...

These little gems just had to be first on the list because 
I think they are GORGES!
These are the cutest little 'High Tops' I've ever seen!
Trimmed with beautiful lace with the cutest little rabbit 
printed on pale pink with a very subtle glitter front
these are defiantly perfect for any little girl!
One of the best things is as well as looking cute they're also easy to
 get on and off your little squiggles feet thanks to the brilliance 
of Velcro.
 (No more endless battles of trying to tie up laces for hours!)
These were £16. A little pricey but
I think they're just too cute to pass up.

These are perfect for Spring with the delicate flowers 
and bows adding extra cuteness to any outfit.
They were each £5.

Team up this sweet little dress with some tights.
These tights were just a cheap pair from Asdas. 

The detail on this dress is brilliant. So many
little things going on, almost like a story with chirpy birds
singing, riding bicycles and just looking pretty. 

And I'll end it with these absolutely gorges little shoes!
These just remind me of sitting on a sunny beach 
with a good old Rossis Icecream.
(Hopefully without any seagulls dive bombing you for food!)
I got these on Debenhams website for about £5
by Jasper Conrad.
If you haven't already I would defiantly check out his stuff
as it's always gorges and affordable for a designer.

Well that's it folks.
Let me know what you think.
What have you bought for your little ones 
for spring/summer?